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Our Services

Enhancing health and function

Move Well

Physical injury, birth, poor postures and lack of movement can cause lack of proper spinal motion (vertebral subluxation complex). This can have far reaching affects on the nervous system that controls all the muscles and organs of the body resulting in almost anything from pain, colic, sleep problems, immune deficiency, infections, reflux, irritability, flat head, and delayed milestones in babies, to headache, back pain, digestive complaints, sleeplessness, infertility, incontinence and many other symptoms in adults. WellKids utilises very gentle, effective and targeted Chiropractic adjustments to remove subluxation and enable optimal spinal movement to be restored. WellKids Chiropractors use the Neuro Impulse Protocol (NIP) technique developed by KiroKids CEO Dr Neil Davies and are the only practitioners of this technique in New Zealand.

Eat Well

WellKids offers the opportunity to discover what the body's nutritional requirements are for optimal health through a naturopathic consultation with Erin Evis. This consultation takes into account the different lifestyles, tastes and requirements (such as food intolerances), of the individual. Emphasis is on obtaining as many nutritional requirements for health as possible from the food we eat!

Erin also utilises QRA muscle testing to ensure any supplement recommendations are specific to your body's needs.


  • Better birth outcomes

  • Shorter labours

  • Less intervention

  • Faster recovery

  • More comfortable pregnancy

  • Resolution of back pain and pubic pain

  • Optimal pelvic floor activation and resolution of incontinence

  • Support for optimal milk production

Babies & Children

  • Calmer, content babies

  • Effective feeding and sucking

  • Resolution of colic, reflux and digestive pain

  • Enhanced sleep

  • Facilitate proper cranial moulding

  • Ensuring even head-turning

  • Reaching developmental milestones on time

  • Relief of constipation


  • Relief from headache

  • Resolution of back and other joint pain

  • Digestive optimisation

  • Enhanced mood

  • Better sleep

  • Counteracting stress and anxiety

  • Menopausal support

  • Enhanced fertility

  • Menstruation cycle optimisation